Rice beaten by ‘the John factor’

ANTHONY Rice was overwhelmed by “the John factor” in the first four frames of his Cuestars South Wilts Snooker League clash against the defending champion.

The Fordingbridge teenager (pictured) changed his tactics after league leader John Hunter smashed in a 121 break for a 4-0 lead at Salisbury Snooker Club.

It was the Andover cueman’s third ton of the season.

Rice, 17, who is favourite for the title of highest-placed under-21 player, said: “It was a truly remarkable break and it was John, just once again, proving what a class act he was.

“I didn’t play too well in the first four frames and I put that purely down to what I would refer to as ‘the John factor’.

“Whenever I was on the shot, I was constantly worrying about what I would leave if I missed.

“In the final frame, I felt I had nothing left to lose. I went on to win the frame in two visits with breaks of 32 and 38. It just goes to show how good he is as I view the result as one point gained rather than five lost.”

Meanwhile, title contender Neil Herd (Frome, Somerset), one point adrift in second place, kept up the pressure with breaks of 39 and 44 in a 4-1 victory over Richard Arnold.

Herd, who faces Hunter in his next match, said: “I will need to beat John to go close.”

Elsewhere, Steve Ashton praised 16-year-old Callum McDonald (Bishopdown) for owning up to two fouls in a 5-0 drubbing.

Alex Thorn (Shrewton) dispatched Ally Pollard (Alderholt) by the same score.

And Martin Hill (Durrington) admitted he “did enjoy some decent run” of the balls in a 4-1 win over Trevor Pittman. Hill made a 53 to go 2-1 up.

Results: Neil Herd 4 Richard Arnold 1, Martin Hill 4 Trevor Pittman 1, Alex Thorn 5 Ally Pollard 0, Steve Ashton 5 Callum McDonald 0, John Hunter 4 Anthony Rice 1, Paul Burt P Alex Thorn P, Richard Swaffield P Ally Pollard P.

Report by Tim Dunkley.
